Tips to Reduce Double Bookings on Airbnb and Other Channels

No one wants to deal with the hassle of double bookings. Unfortunately, they are a common occurrence for many Airbnb hosts and property managers.

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that will help you avoid overbooking and keep your guests happy!

Airbnb Double Bookings: An Overview

First things first... what is a double booking?

As an Airbnb host, you need to be aware of what double booking means and how it can affect your business as a property owner or experience host. But what is double booking?

Well, it looks like this scenario.

double bookings, property on airbnb, long term guests airbnb hosts, negatively affected

Evelyn was an Airbnb host with great reviews and a perfect commitment to customer satisfaction. So when she started getting more frequent bookings of her experience, she was ecstatic.

But the excitement quickly faded when Evelyn received two bookings at once for her popular canoeing experience. She frantically tried to get in touch with both customers, but the language barrier made it difficult to explain the situation.

In the end, she was left without either booking and had to refund both parties. It was a horrible experience for Evelyn, who felt terrible about letting down her customers and an overwhelming reminder that double-bookings can really spoil an Airbnb host's reputation.

See what double booking is?

Double booking occurs when a host books two guests for the same dates. This means that both guests will show up expecting to stay in the same place - and this could result in one of them having to leave without being accommodated.

Not only does this lead to an awkward situation, but it can put a strain on your finances if you have to pay cancellation fees.

flexible plans, multi calendar, channel manager, other platform

How do Airbnb double bookings arise?

  • Technical Issues: Technical malfunctions can lead to double bookings if a host is not careful.
  • Multiple Listings: Hosts with listings of the same property or same location on Airbnb may accidentally double book without meaning to.
  • Multiple websites: Hosts that list some property one multiple channels may also result in double bookings.
  • Lack of synchronization across channels: If a host has listings across multiple platforms such as Airbnb and, there may be an issue where bookings are accepted on both sites for the same period, thus resulting in double booking.
  • Inaccurate calendar setup: Without up-to-date availability on dates, it can lead to unwanted double reservations.
  • Human Error: Mistakes may be made when booking multiple guests for the same dates.

Costs of Double Bookings on Airbnb and Other Channels

It's essential to avoid becoming double booked on Airbnb, Vrbo, and as this can lead to various costs and implications for property managers and property owners.

A cancelation fee or a drop in listing rank and visibility are potential consequences that may occur, with some OTAs being more lenient than others.

So what actually happens when you end up double-booked for a certain date? Let's take a look at the consequences of double bookings on Airbnb and other channels.


airbnb experiences

Unfortunately, the cancellation policies of Airbnb are strict and even accidental double bookings can result in a host being fined.

Cancellation fees

Your payout will be deducted from the amount in Airbnb's cancellation fee. The amount depends on the type of reservation and when it was booked.

  • If the booking is canceled 1 week before the check-in, it is $50 off the reservation cost.
  • If it's canceled in less than 7 days, it will be $100.

Also, should you cancel a booking for those dates, no one else will be able to book them. This can be a huge problem during peak times when you are trying to maximize occupancy.

ZapEx Pro Tip: When you make ten or more consecutive bookings without any cancellations, you can avoid this cancellation fee.

Bad reviews

When you cancel a reservation due to double booking, you will get an automated review on your public listing page.


Sadly, if you make a double booking mistake, Airbnb may stop recommending your listing as a Superhost. After you cancel a booking, you will not be eligible for Superhost status for a whole year! That sucks!

ZapEx Pro Tip: Use the right tools and software to streamline your Airbnb experience!


vrbo double bookings

Vrbo's policies for double booking are more relaxed than Airbnb's. If you accidentally double-book a reservation, you can cancel the booking without any financial penalty.

They won't charge you a cancellation fee, however, you will need to refund the payment to the guest in full (including the initial service fee, taxes and other fees).

A;so, once you cancel a booking, your listing may lose its visibility on the platform. This means that your property won't be visible to potential guests. doesn't charge a cancellation fee. But, you'll have to deal with other costs, including:

  • Relocating the guest - If you double book a reservation and have to cancel it, you'll need to find alternative accommodation for your guest.
  • Financial penalty - You'll have to cover the transportation and alternative accommodation costs of the guest you need to relocate.
  • Lost revenue - You'll lose the revenue from the double booking, plus any additional revenue

Decreased ranking

Unfortunately, your listing may be penalized and drop in the search engine ranking. This could lead to fewer bookings.

ZapEx Pro Tip:'s Customer Services helps you with these relocations.

How to Resolve an Airbnb Double Booking

There's no use in crying over spilled milk, but you can always wipe it off and start anew. So while it can be heartbreaking to learn you've mistakenly double-booked, there are ways to resolve the situation.

The most important thing is to look into the guest's individual needs and try to find a solution that will benefit both you and the guest.

Here are some tips on how to handle a double booking on Airbnb:

Reach out to all parties

When it comes to double bookings, a prompt response is key. As an Airbnb host, you want to make sure that your guests know they are valued and their needs are being met. That's why it's important to reach out quickly and explain the situation conversationally.

Make sure to apologize for any inconvenience caused and let them know that you will do everything you can to meet their needs. Offer them solutions like a full refund so they feel taken care of and respected in the whole process.

By taking this approach, you can turn what could have been a negative experience into something more positive for both of your guests.

Relocate them to another listing if possible

If the case was a double booking due to multiple listings, you can offer to relocate them to this listing at no extra cost. You can also provide them a discount on future stays or an upgrade to a similar property if you have one in the area.

This way, both parties will get what they want and you can avoid any further inconvenience.

Be flexible and open to negotiation

If one guest is not happy with the double booking, it's important to demonstrate flexibility and openness to negotiation. Show them that you are willing to work together to find a solution that works for both parties.

Consider offering additional amenities to make up for the inconvenience due to double booking. Ultimately, it's important to empathize with their frustration and take ownership of the situation by being proactive and empathetic in your approach.

Double check your Airbnb calendar and other platforms

Make sure to double-check your Airbnb calendar and other platforms before confirming any bookings. This way, you can avoid double bookings and ensure that your guests’ expectations are met.

You can also use a third-party tool to manage multiple calendars and keep track of your bookings across all platforms.

Connect your OTA bookings to your reservation software

Don't want the hassle of double checking each calendar one by one?

By connecting your OTAs with ZapEx, you can drastically improve the efficiency of your booking system.

Our platform automatically syncs up all the necessary information (customer, date, time, price) into one directly to your booking software, saving you time and effort.

You can prevent double bookings, automate tedious tasks, and quickly manage all your guest reservations no matter where they come from - Airbnb Experience, Eventbrite, LoveToVisit, or Civitatis.

Our goal is to provide you with a seamless experience. With, the process will be simpler, faster, and cheaper.

ZapEx is the answer to eliminating double booking and simplifying reservation management, leaving you more time to dedicate to other important aspects of your business.

Final Takeaways

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that double bookings are an inevitable part of being a host. Acknowledge the situation, handle it with grace and courtesy, and use this as an opportunity to show your guests how you truly care about their experiences.

Making a mistake when double-booking on Airbnb can be heartbreaking, but it should not discourage you from being an incredible host. With the right approach, you can turn a negative experience into something positive for both yourself and your guests.

Connecting to ZapEx is key - it will help you avoid double bookings, automate tedious tasks, and manage your reservations with ease.

With ZapEx, you can offer a smooth and hassle-free experience for your guests, every time. Get in touch now.

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